
What It Means to Fast

Fasting, praying, and reading Godʼs Word go hand in hand. Fasting is a part of a relationship with God. It brings us into a deeper, more intimate, and powerful relationship with the Lord. We are choosing to seek God first this year and surrender our plans to Him.

"Commit your ways to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans."

- Proverbs 16:3

What God's Word Says

• How we should act when fasting – Matt 6:16-18
• Motivations and attitudes when fasting – Isaiah 58:3-7
• Fasting for breakthrough – Mark 9:29b
• Fasting when far from God – Joel 2:12-13
• Fasting in seasons of trials – 2 Corinthians 6:4-10
• Warning against legalism – 2 Corinthian 2:10

• Fasting for repentance – Daniel 9:3-5, Jonah 3:5-9
• Fasting for a child – 2 Samuel 12:15-17
• Fasting for humility and safety – Ezra 8:21-23
• Jesus practiced fasting – Matthew 4:1-9, Luke 4:1-2

• Fasting for others – Acts 13:2-3
• Fasting for leaders – Acts 14:21-23

• Jesus Promise – Matt 6:18
• Anna’s Testimony – Luke 2:36-38
• Paul’s Conversion – Acts 9:9
• Cornelius’ Example – Acts 10:30-31

Practical Tools

Types of Fasts

Liquid Fast – liquids only, like water, juice and teas

Water Only Fast – choosing only water for a portion of time

Partial Fast – Limited diet such as veggies only

Total Fast – no food or water, not recommended unless God directs

FAQ About Fasting

What should I know about fasting? There are many misconceptions about fasting. It is not merely going without food for a period of time (that would be simply starving). Itʼs just as much about what you are going without as it is what you are doing. Fasting, praying, and reading Godʼs Word go hand in hand. Fasting is a part of a relationship with God. It brings you into a deeper, more intimate, and powerful relationship with the Lord. When you eliminate food from your life for a number of days, your spirit becomes uncluttered by the things of this world and you find yourself amazingly sensitive to the things of God.

What is fasting? Biblical fasting is giving up specific food and/or drink for a specific number of days, to focus on prayer and devotion to God.

Fasting – to stop eating for a time, in order to pray and seek the Lord

• Greek – Nesteuo – to abstain from food
• Hebrew – Sum – to cover the mouth (by implication, not to eat)

What do I do instead of eating? When you would normally eat, and whenever your hunger reminds you, take time to pray, read the Bible, complete the “7 Day Prayer and Fasting Journal”, or meditate on an attribute of God.

How long should I fast? The length of you fast is completely between you and God. We are challenging ourselves as a congregation, to fast for 7 days. Some people may choose to fast longer, or based on health or other reasons, fast for a shorter time.

How should I start? If you decided to to a normal fast or a water only fast, consider beginning with a partial fast for a day or two, to ease your body into the journey.

I ate something that wasn’t on my fast, should I start over? No, think of fasting as a marathon rather than a sprint. Donʼt give up! If you fall down, get up and keep trying. Conquering your “stomach” is difficult, but you will make it.

Do I continue exercising while fasting? For most people, moderate exercise is okay. However, if you are on a complete fast, you will not have the energy for exercise.

What about kids and students? They are encouraged to fast a favorite desert, snack or junk food. Growing children should not be fasting their meals. Instead, be aware of making healthy choices and saying no to treats. Encourage them to read the Bible, have devotions, journal and pray.

What if I have a manual labor job? If you have a job that requires you to expend a lot of physical or mental energy, you may want to consider a full fast when you are not at work and commit to a partial fast that allows you to receive enough nutrition to perform your job. We encourage you to seek God about your commitment and follow His lead. Remember, your flesh will always oppose your decision.

Any special advice while fast? Dress warmly. You can expect to feel colder during a fast, especially in your hands and feet. Use warm, not hot, water for showers and baths. Avoid ice cold beverages. You will experience weakness (donʼt be alarmed). Fast humbly. Donʼt tell others you are fasting; it is between you and God.

What should I expect while fasting? Everyone’s body is unique. Headache, nausea, low fever, sleeplessness, stomach pains, feelings of loneliness, thoughts of doubt and unbelief are all possibilities. It is all part of subduing the flesh. When you feel these things, use it as a reminder to pray and surrender your life to the Lord.

How should I behave during my fast? When you practice some appetite-denying discipline to better concentrate on God, donʼt make a production out of it. Act normal outwardly. No one should know. God is watching and will reward you (see Matthew 6:16)