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International Missions We Support

For over 40 years, Spectrum Ministries has ministered to Tijuana’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged children. In addition, they have helped mobilize the church through cross cultural mission experiences by providing opportunities for groups and individuals alike to join in the work. Spectrum’s vision is to see individuals, families and communities flourishing through the power of the Gospel. Their mission is to deliver hope and inspire change through caring, sharing, and preparing people in the communities and groups we serve. Daybreak Missions partners with Spectrum Ministries with monthly support as well as regular participation in neighborhood community outreach and home building projects in the barrios of Tijuana.

Website: www.spectrumministries.org

Elevating Christian Ministries (ECM) ministers to the vulnerable and hungry in Haiti, providing whole grain bread to thousands of children across this island nation. Partnering with local schools and churches, ECM distributes this simple, sustaining nourishment. Local leadership development, establishing sustainable businesses, feeding vulnerable children, and engaging community involvement are the hallmarks of ECM’s service in Haiti. Daybreak Missions partners with Elevating Christian Ministries, providing financial resources to feed 1,000 children daily.

Website: elevating.org

Living Water Teaching (LWT) serves to bring faith, healing, and salvation through Bible schools, Evangelistic outreaches, Medical campaigns, and Operation Shoebox toy distribution. The ministry began in Guatemala and has grown to host Bible schools and outreach in 11 Latin American Countries. Daybreak partners with Living Waters financially and through short term mission trips to Guatemala.

Website: mejialwt.org

Lasting Impact Ministries was founded by Pastor Bernard and Annette Kirabira to faithfully serve the nation of Uganda. Together they pastor a thriving church in Uganda and founded a school on Buvuma Island, providing a foundation of faith and robust education for Uganda’s next generation of leaders. Annette oversees day to day operations for Rahab House, a rescue and restoration home for women who have been victims of trafficking. Daybreak Missions partners financially with Lasting Impact Ministries, assisting with the development of the local church, Rahab House, and Buvuma Christian School.

Africa Thriving is a non-profit organization dedicated to partner with local tribes and villages in Africa to bring clean water, food, and faith. Founded by Daybreaker, Jon Moyer, after returning from a visit to Kenya with two other members of Daybreak Missions in 2013, he answered God’s call to work with local tribal leaders to bring food, water, and Bibles to their communities. Daybreak partners with Africa Thriving financially and through short term mission trips to Africa.

Website: africathriving.org

Chosen People Ministries (CPM) serves Jewish people worldwide, bringing the hope of Messiah to God’s chosen people among the nations. Daybreak Missions financially supports the ongoing ministry of CPM  at two centers in Israel, one in Jerusalem and another in Ramat Gan, just outside Tel Aviv. The Jerusalem Center has a focused ministry among the Holocaust survivors living in Israel, as well as benevolence ministries and a place to host short-term outreach teams.  CPM Jerusalem staff also organizes children’s summer camps and retreats for Holocaust survivors, serving primarily immigrants from the former Soviet Union. The Ramat Gan Center ministers to families, and the community in general, with seminars on parenting, financial management, biblical counseling, as well as continuing a bi-weekly women’s Bible study. They host a weekly Gospel café, English classes, a children’s story time in English, and Bible studies for the general public.

Website: chosenpeople.com

Daybreak Missions partners with Gospel for Asia, providing monthly financial support for 34 native missionaries in several countries in Asia. Each national worker is a man or woman who already lives in Asia. In preparation for ministry, they go through three years of intensive ministry training, and are able to move freely in areas restricted to outsiders and are usually accepted in the communities, understand cultural taboos, live in the community, eating the same food, wearing the same clothes and sharing the same cultural interests as the local people. They have a passion and burden to serve their own people.

Website: gfa.org

Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) equips pastors and leaders around the world to plant churches and launch faith movements among the nations. Daybreak Missions has hosted DCPI Training for ministry partners in Uganda, Kenya, and El Salvador, resulting in over 50 new churches planted and growing in these countries. We financially support the ongoing ministry of DCPI and their leadership training efforts around the world.

Website: dcpi.org

Samaritan’s Purse serves around the globe to respond to international crises, provide disaster relief, and host worldwide medical outreach, all while sharing the love of Jesus and the Gospel Message with those in need. Samaritan’s Purse ministers to millions of children annually through Operation Christmas Child and brings hope and healing to wounded veterans with Operation Heal our Patriots. Daybreak Missions partners financially with Samaritan’s Purse for emergency relief around the world, as well as annual participation in Operation Christmas Child, collecting shoebox gifts and bringing volunteer teams to the OCC Processing Center in Fullerton CA.

Website: samaritanspurse.org

Gracia Del Calvario (Mexico)

Pastor Jose Luis and Cindy Pesina founded Gracia del Calvario in Vista Del Valle, Mexico in 2011. The church cares for and reaches the unreached in this barrio east of Tijuana with verse-by-verse Bible teaching, women’s and children’s ministry, and a thriving mercy ministry. With 3 Lunch Kitchens, Tijuana School Sponsorship Program, and medical and small construction ministry, Cindy and Jose Luis demonstrate the love of Jesus in their community. Daybreak Missions partners with Gracia Del Calvario with monthly financial support and serve alongside them with day trips and outreach.

Website: graceofcalvary.org

Mission L’Eglise El Schaddai (Haiti):

Pastor Pierre and Nicole Brinet founded and lead two church communities and school programs in Village Solidarite and Canaan, Haiti. These two churches and schools offer spiritual and physical help to families in these impoverished communities, serving as a conduit for the Gospel and freely sharing their meager resources to meet the needs of others. Daybreak Missions gives monthly financial support, and outreach teams host medical clinics, children’s ministry, and Bible teaching as we come alongside our Haitian ministry partners.

One Collective (Ecuador):

One Collective was founded by Aaron and Christine Passmore so they could follow God’s call to serve the communities surrounding Quito and Ecuador. Aaron serves as Senior Area Director and team leader for Youth World, a ministry devoted to evangelizing, discipling, and equipping the youth of Ecuador. Christine works as an English teacher at Alliance Academy International, a Christian early childhood through high school English school. Daybreak Missions partners with the Passmores and One Collective with monthly financial support of their work.

Website: onecollective.org

La Red (El Salvador):

La Red serves the coastal communities of El Salvador, reaching individuals, families, and communities with the objective of helping them in their spiritual growth, assisting them in their most urgent needs, educating them to advance in life, introducing them to a peace culture and facilitating community infrastructure for their development. La Red partners with churches like Daybreak to organize and host mission trips with outreach and projects to foster spiritual growth, practical aid, education, community development, peace culture, and missions. Daybreak Missions supports the ongoing ministry of La Red with financial resources and sends a team to serve annually.

Website: lared.sv

Domestic Missions Partners:

Young Life (North San Diego County):

Young Life leaders enter the world of kids and walk alongside them in an exciting and exhausting world. By hosting clubs, events, and camps for middle and high school students, Young Life offers hope, meaning, and belonging at a pivotal point in young people’s lives. Daybreak Missions aids our local Young Life club with a monthly financial gift, as well as summer camp sponsorship for students with disabilities.  

Website: carlsbad.younglife.org

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (North San Diego County):

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) serves as a community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influences of coaches and athletes. Reaching out through high school and college outreach, FCA seeks to make disciples by engaging, equipping, and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same. Daybreak Missions provides monthly financial support for FCA in our North San Diego County high schools and at Cal State San Marcos.

Solid Rock Climbers for Christ (United States, West Coast):

The mission of Solid Rock Climbers for Christ is to encourage, equip, and empower climbers to share the love of Christ with the climbing community. Their vision is that every climber throughout the world will have an opportunity to experience and follow Jesus Christ. Daybreak Missions partners financially with Solid Rock Climbers for Christ in support of these efforts.

Website: climbersforchrist.org

Ignite Church Network (United States):

Launched by Daybreak Church’s founding pastor, Dan Grider, Ignite Church Network is “making disciples who make disciples.” Ignite provides leadership training, discipleship, and imparts transformational leadership principles to communities in the Southeastern United States and Western Europe.

Website: ignitediscipleship.com


Missions Trips


February 21-March 1, 2025: El Salvador with La Red

March 8-15, 2025: DLC in Guatemala with Living Water Teaching

April 24-25, 2025: DLC in Tijuana with Spectrum Ministries 

May 24-25, 2025: Tijuana with Spectrum Ministries 

June 12-28 2025: Kenya Mission Trip

October 4-5, 2025: Tijuana with Spectrum Ministries